Sunday, January 24, 2010

Christmas Tree Hunting

So I have been doing some serious slacking and haven't posted any of December's pictures! So get ready for a little step back in time! This is Russ carrying one daughter on the front and one on the back which is a regular occurance anytime we are hiking. It was a beautiful day with just enough so that Rowen could enjoy it but not have too much trouble walking.

Paul, Courtney and Grant Caswell, Christmas tree, Ryan, Campbell, Rachel and Avery Allred and Rowen, Russ, Sawyer and Me.

The Miller family.  Rowen refuses to look at the camera. Sawyer had a ball looking around and didn't hardly complain while in the backpack.

The whole drive up we talked to Rowen about snow angels and how fun they were to make. We got out in the snow and the first thing she did was drop onto her back! It took Russ and I a few seconds before we realized what she was doing. It doesn't look much like a snow angel in the picture but boy was she proud!

She had so much fun playing, jumping and eating the snow.

Guster enjoying his time out of the house.

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