Thursday, June 4, 2009

A Mix of Pics

This is how Rowen and Sawyer help with the laundry! Notice Rowen's nose, her father decided it would be a great idea to race to the car after church while Rowen was wearing her dress shoes. Needless to say she met the pavement with her nose and it left a good little mark!
After church in her new dress from Grammie. She added the sunglasses to her outfit!
Sawyer loves the swing already, it always brings and instant smile to her face.
I told Rowen to go get dressed because we were going "bye, bye." This is what she came out in! I about fell over laughing but quickly hid my smile as you could see she was very proud of this outfit and was waiting for my approval.
Rowen playing dress up with her sister. They honestly did this for an hour- who needs toys! Again Rowen very proud of her style skills! Maybe she'll grow up and be a stylist.

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